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Surveys & Reports

Quantitative Research

The newfocus team has vast collective experience in quantitative research techniques, combined with strong statistical and analytical skills.


Experienced market researchers will save you time and money by simplifying questionnaire design and ensuring questions are maximally relevant and comprehensible to target markets.  The newfocus team of researchers have gained substantial quantitative research experience ranging from small-scale studies to larger studies with hundreds of measures across organisations and communities.

Telephone Surveys (CATI)
  • random samples – non self-selection, gives more representative data so less biased
  • can cover landline, mobile households and people as needed
  • cost effective quota (sub segment) sampling
  • accurate data, quality insights
  • ability to probe – ask further information to better understand the situation that the customer/member/ resident is referring to
  • again, a PR move – showing their customers that they really care and want to understand more about how they can better service them. People to people contact

Further information about our world class CATI facilities 

Online Surveys
  • can test graphics and visuals cost effectively
  • cost effective response-larger sample for a lower cost.
  • use gamification techniques to better engage respondents and gain deeper insights and better response rates
  • ability to probe – ask further information to better understand the situation that the customer/member/ resident is referring to
  • showing their customers that they really care and want to understand more about how they can better service them.

The benefits of on-line data collection include:

  • removes the need for returning hard copy questionnaires
  • reminder emails can be sent to those who have not completed the survey during the specified timeframe
  • ensures respondents only complete the survey once
  • external data for each respondent can be incorporated within the final data set
  • increased reliability as all questions are completed (the online survey will not allow participants to move to the next question unless a previous field is chosen)
  • higher response rates than mail based surveys, especially if internal marketing is effectively used on an ongoing basis during data collection
Mobile Surveys
  • both online and offline data can be collected
  • fast, visual responses gained
  • improves response rates from younger people
  • data can be collected in real time and communicated
  • ability to probe – ask further information to better understand the situation that the customer/member/ resident is referring to
  • similar to online surveys; shows their customers that they really care and want to understand more about how they can better service them. people to people contact
Paper based surveys (Mail-outs)

Mail-out surveys represent a highly cost-effective method of data collection across a geographically broad market when there is a high response rate.

Some techniques newfocus employs to maintain high response rates include:

  • high quality questionnaire design
  • pilot testing questionnaires
  • setting realistic expectations in terms of questionnaire length
  • trained staff calling respondents to encourage participation
  • persistent follow-up of non-returns
  • realistic time frames for data collection
A collaborative approach with Literally Brilliant to deliver evidence based brand strategies. Your brand is more than just your logo. Discover the narrative that surrounds your organisation. Give your brand an identity and connect with your customers.
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